Last weekend I was fortunate enough to be part of Amaryllis Spa & Wellness launch of their brand new all natural products range named ADANIA. As you might know, anything all natural or organic holds a soft spot in my heart as I believe that our body's wellness does not only depends on the purity of the food we eat but also extends to the beauty products that we use on our skin every single day.
What toxic chemicals is your body absorbing? We absorb up to 60% of what we put on our skin. Children’s bodies absorb 40% - 50% more than adults. They are at higher risks for diseases later in life when exposed to toxins.
Although I have still not fully change to all natural products but I am trying slowly - reading ingredients is sometimes my favorite thing to do when I'm doing grocery shopping and if there's too much of the stuffs that you don't understand - that probably only means there's too much chemical. Be aware of the toxins listed above. Download SKIN DEEP app on your smartphone to check for beauty products toxicity, most major brands are listed in there.
As for Malaysia, I personally feel regretful and sorry that our country does not require for manufacturers to fully list every single items in their ingredients on products. To make things worse, the supply for all natural and organic products in our shore is rather scarce and most imported brands are sold at such high price that isn't really accessible for average and low income individuals.
I am so happy to learn that ADANIA is a local brand that is totally dedicated to launching a full range of beauty products that contains no toxin and completely all natural. When they say ALL NATURAL, they mean ALL NATURAL:
I have personally chatted with the founder of ADANIA and I'm so glad that we share the same sentiment towards a healthier lifestyle, not only through foods and exercise but also through they way we think and treat our body. ADANIA products are researched in Australia and are hand-packed locally by disabled people. ADANIA not only has started a good thing with this brand but they are also giving back by creating a sustainable opportunities for the disabled people to earn a source of income. Such a wholesome brand ♥
Let's check-out their product range!
Some pictures during the launching ♥

With the sweet Dena Bahrin, surprisingly she's right about my height! She looked so petite in photos but equally as beautifully in real life.
With Izzati who works as admin for Amaryllis Spa & Wellness - the adamant one who really wanted me to come. Thank you so much sweetie ♥
The inspiring Kak Wardina Saffiyah who launched the ADANIA brand, gave such a passionate & eye-opening speech about coming back to nature and going back to basics. I find myself nodding to all that she has to say hehe!
Umie Dena Bahrin and cute baby Saif!♥
The founder of Amaryllis Spa & Wellness & ADANIA - Mrs Annadia who just had a surgery a day before the launch masyaAllah such a strong lady. I'm so glad she started such a good brand and I hope & pray it will remain it's pure objectives and successfully go international insyaAllah one day!
Me after receiving a refreshing facial using ADANIA products, giving my heart-felt testimonial ♥
Testimonial from Wardina Safiyyah herself!

And especially for my readers & followers, you'll receive 10% discount - just mention code name AMI SCHAHEERA in your order. Come on people, let's be glamorously natural together! ;)
phone: 03-4143 1062

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