There are four steps approach to the whole consultancy process:
STEP 1: Naturopathic health assessment via a questionnaire to gather individual's symptoms, lifestyle habits & medical history. Once you've filled up the form, this is where you'll do a heart to heart talk with your appointed naturopath telling about your lifestyle, your eating habits, signs of sickness or stress and anything that seems related. I but of course straight away dropped the 'C' bomb on Monitar and as usual I'll tell my medical history from as far as I can remember.
STEP 2: Iridology is the examination and analysis of the coloured portion of the eye, the iris, in order to determine factors that may be important in the prevention and treatment of a health issue, as well as in the attainment of optimum health.
I was so lucky Monitar was so nice, I didn't even know prior to coming to the event they would need to take a super close-up picture of my eyes using the Iridology tool hence I wore colored contact lens! She saved the day by providing me with her own anti-bacterial hand sanitizer, contact lens eye drop and she even picked up a cup from the cafe's kitchen for me to put my lens momentarily for the eye exam / iridology.
It was actually like a fancy torchlight being shined into your eyes, no worries there was no stinging or pain or anything at all. Just a quick snap of a picture and you're done :)
"One of the advantages of iridology is that it can reveal the strength and weaknesses of the individual's health. An iris may suggest if there is an issue, more than one organ may be involved or that some emotional or mental element exists."
The place where Monitar was pointing actually shows that the ring that represents my stomach or digestive system which has more opened fibres when for a normal perfectly healthy person it should be closed-knit. Although we cannot pinpoint exactly what is my problem, but it's a clear sign I should be doing something to correct the situation. Although I eat healthily, probably there are parts that I'm not doing enough for an optimum health. I'm so glad to know that Monitar also shares my sentiments on being vegan for most parts of my diet and lessening my intake of meat, dairy and absolutely banning sugar and monosodium glutamate. I felt like she was my new health foodie bff haha! I was super relieved that even though all these while my diet and current lifestyle are mostly based from the knowledge I found from the Internet but to have a certified naturopath confirm that I'm doing good all these while is just a huge relief & satisfaction! I'm also glad I did all the health evaluation to know which part I should be paying attention to more or less in order to obtain optimum health.
STEP 3: Personalized dietary & lifestyle modifications counsel after assessment and analysis.
Monitar wrote a bunch of serious stuff for me to do and follow through and get back to her. She even provided me a form of food dietary so I can write down what I eat and drink in a span of two weeks. I'd like to say I've obliged to all her instructions...................... but sadly I haven't! I have been super busy going to places (just came back from Manila after raya Haji in Ipoh last week hence no blogpost a whole week zomg!). Okay okay, I will have to follow up with her somehow soon so there's no running away from it. She recommended me to do yoga and I only managed to do it the first two mornings *facepalm!*, take more time for myself and go to mini short-trips (Thanks to AirAsia media trip I joined last week, but probably preparing myself for a heart attack since I have so much work to be done bahahaha!), she also told me to for massages and spa and yeap did that once I got back from Manila (pampered myself a lot with home facials due to my allergic reaction to a skin care product, so I guess that counts?).. Haha oh well, you guys are probably shaking your head.. This is no excuse for you to do the same, which is ignoring whatever your doctor says alright? I'm gonna do them, soon.. I mean I am doing it :D
STEP 4: Supplements recommendation from Blackmores that would complement your lifestyle & dietary.
I was already taking a few supplements myself, but Monitar just recommended me a few more. Our target here is to boost my immune system and prepare my body for conceiving at least by the end of next year. Getting pregnant is a huge change to your body's anatomy & system therefore I wouldn't wanna risk being unhealthy for me to bear my own off-spring, both Naz and I has to be prepared though detox, healthy lifestyle and dietary habits.
Right side, NATUROPATH RECOMMENDED: Echinacea Forte 3000, Bio Ace Plus and Evening Primrose + Fish Oil.
Left side, what I've already been taking. Luckily Monitar approved most of my supplements. During the whole process of heart to heart talk I even showed her the details of each supplement because luckily I did a review of some and also their infos are easily obtainable at the website which I bought them from. You can find out more details of the bottles here.
Aside from the health evaluation by the certified naturopath, Blackmores also provided something more for us bloggers that day. A much needed back lovin' from the strong & capable hands of Thai Odyssey masseuse & also a caricature artist named Art Saad who drew our happy faces into comically cuter than life characters ♥
All the bloggers went back home feeling so refreshed, happy with a new outlook towards our health & lifestyle. All thanks to BLACKMORES ♥
MidValley Megamall Concept Store, call 03-2202 3380 for appointment on Monday - Friday 1030am - 830pm.
Queensbay Mall Concept Store, call 04-642 9228 for appointment on Monday - Friday 1030am - 830pm.
Consultation Fee: RM100 (fully redeemable for Blackmores products)
Consultation Time: Up to 40minutes per session (differs from individual to individual)
Your first visit is an opportunity for you and Blackmores naturopath to discuss your health goals and the best way to achieve results. During your first visit, they will carry out a thorough questionnaire to gather valuable information about your symptoms, lifestyle habits and medical history. Your health information is then analyzed to create a personalized treatment plan that is tailored especially for you. If necessary, our naturopath may also refer you to other specialized healthcare practitioners.
A follow-up consultation is usually scheduled 1 to 3 weeks. Our naturopath will review the recommendations made from initial consultation (or prior follow-ups). Follow-up consultations are essential to achieve a better well-being as more focus and in-depth analysis on targeted aspect of your health can be achieved.
There's no time to waste, you only live once. You may think you have no health issues whatsoever but stress can cause so many diseases to prop up and let's face it, everyone is stressed whether you are a working exec, a studying teenager or a stay at home mom. There's no harm done just by taking charge of your life, do the naturopathic consultation and change your life style to the better. Think of your loved ones, take better care of yourself. A reminder to myself and everyone alike.
Yikes! Gotta eat my own words and follow through all the things I promised to do with my wonderful naturopath and follow up with her soon. I ain't done living baby!
Oh, also as a self-glorified fashion blogger, this is what I wore that day ♥
Cat Shoes from @kasutkuu (instashop) / Skirt from Shop SputnikSweetheart (thinking of re-producing this) / Ribbon Sleeved top from Old Blossom Box / Scarf Maysaa

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