On this date last year, I am on the same bed, the same green uniform and the same ward. Blood cancer ward. A year ago, the doctor diagnosed me of having
Acute Myeloid Leukemia. A news that shattered my whole being as a wife of one month and 2 weeks. I muttered
I'm sorry to him and he told me to
I didn't write the story when it happened last year, I announced it to friends using twitter and facebook and it spread from there. Emails, tweets, comments and text messages came swarming in. I knew then I shouldn't give up, I only cried for a few hours and accepted my fate. I cried a lil again when the doctor told we may not be able to have kids due to nature of my high toxicity chemo drugs. But I was ready to do just about anything the doctors say to get better.
I had to undergo four chemo cycles, one cycle consisting of me staying in the ward for about 3-4 weeks each with permission to go home about a week after each cycle ends. The toughest times would be on Day6 - Day20 in which Day1 is the first day I receive chemo treatment. Days of receiving chemo treatment varies according to the chemo protocol given, it's the waiting period is the most torturing part. The chemo drugs will stripped down and kill all my blood cells including the good ones, and I will have to wait for my body makes new blood cells. At this point, I have zero body immune, the high count of white blood cells which fights off infection will drop down to a 0 and I will be super prone to even the slightest bit of infection. And an infection even as small as a flu could be fatal if not treated.
Side-effects; well the first few days of staying in the hospital I could eat the food they served. But on Day2 of the first chemo cycle, I hurled and barfed all the dinner I ate. Nausea consumes me, I was dizzy and smelly. I could barely eat afterwards. I tried having Nestum instant drinks and pears. I barfed that as well, in which I can not eat or smell Nestum and pear for such a long time, I believe I haven't had any up to this date of writing! It was hard, not being able to eat as I usually do. Body needs the supplement to build new blood cells but I have almost none. Doctors do try to help by giving meds that can ease the nausea. It helps a bit.
The worst I've been when I had the strongest chemo protocol of all four, had that in my 3rd chemo cycle. Not sure how it happened but I couldn't get up, I was shivering and so so weak. The doctors quickly transferred me to the center of the ward to make it easier for them to take care of me. I had to have the oxygen mask on to breathe, my blood pressure was really low doctors didn't allow me too get up at all or else I'll faint... Everything had to be done on the bed, I was a big sloppy baby again. And my mother was there to take care of me. I feel guilty. Naz was in India, on a business trip. The only business trip he agreed to take eversince I was diagnosed and this happens.
We fail to find stemcell match with my siblings and the donor database, Malaysia's donor database only consists of 100k+ donors, that is very sad Malaysian. Very very sad, imagine your daughter or wife needing a stem cell donor and there's no match. That is exactly what I'm going through. Not wanting to give up, we sent my blood sample over to Singapore/Taiwan to search for any match. Found a partial cord blood match in Taiwan. Risky.
There was one other way, using my own blood.
Autologous HSCT requires the extraction (apheresis) of haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from the patient and storage of the harvested cells in a freezer. The patient is then treated with high-dosechemotherapy with or without radiotherapy with the intention of eradicating the patient's malignant cell population at the cost of partial or complete bone marrow ablation (destruction of patient's bone marrow function to grow new blood cells). The patient's own stored stem cells are then returned to his/her body, where they replace destroyed tissue and resume the patient's normal blood cell production. Autologous transplants have the advantage of lower risk of infection during the immune-compromised portion of the treatment since the recovery of immune function is rapid. Also, the incidence of patients experiencing rejection (graft-versus-host disease) is very rare due to the donor and recipient being the same individual. These advantages have established autologous HSCT as one of the standard second-line treatments for such diseases as lymphoma.[15] However, for others such as Acute Myeloid Leukemia, the reduced mortality of the autogenous relative to allogeneic HSCT may be outweighed by an increased likelihood of cancer relapse and related mortality, and therefore the allogeneic treatment may be preferred for those conditions.
Sadly, my body didn't produce enough stem cells to be used for the transplant. We tried again, and failed. We did asked the doctor to try harvesting atleast one more time but as it happens, once failed it usually means it can not be done. And other medical center would not even try for a second time but Hospital Ampang did.
I went home for the first time, to stay longer than I have ever in our apartment. I was socially awkward, been cooped up in the hospital for the longest of time it feels battling for my life. Went for monthly check-ups while hoping the cancer wouldn't return. I felt great about myself, I have never ever felt, more alive.
And suddenly, I'm here again. On the very same bed, Bed 22. Doing the strongest chemo there is for my disease. If this one fails, I can't do anymore chemo. That, we will leave for Allah to decide for we are only able to plan.
Allahumma inni as alukal ngafiata fiddun-ya wal alkhirah
"O Allah, I seek from You for the good health here and hereafter."
Alas, I do have visitors coming over that brightens up my day with their smiles and happy stories. They warmed up my heart and leave me smiling, forgetting I am even sick to begin with. Some reached out to me, and I meet them half way with the plain harsh truth. Eitherway, I am thankful to be receiving such supports. And for those who couldn't come, all your lovely emails and messages are read, I shall reply to all of them within time ♥
Handsome Abah in his prime days ♥
p/s: Yesterday was also the anniversary of my father's death due to lung cancer, 17th May 1997. Would really appreciate it if you take a moment to recite
Al-Fatihah for my late

Syafakillah sis, you know that you are strong, proud of you. You have your family, friends and fans to shower you with their prayers. Stay happy, stay positive <3
ReplyDeleteAlfatehah fr ya Abah. :)
get well soon ami!
ReplyDeletebe strong ya!
Semoga kak Ami cepat sembuh..kuatkan semangat yea.:)
ReplyDeleteInsyaAllah everything will be ok:)
i wish you well..
ReplyDeletei wish you well..
be strong :)
i cried reading this :') be stronggg!
ReplyDeletedoa saya sentiasa mengiringi ami. stay strong ami!
ReplyDeleteMay Allah give you Shifaa'! Verily no one Cures but Him. And He heals without there being any after-effects.
ReplyDeleteIthabil baas. Rabbannas. Rabbi anta Shaafi. La Shifaa a illa Shifaa uka. Shifaa an la yughadiru saqama.
This means: "Remove this disease O Lord of Mankind. Lord, You are The Great Healer.There is no cure but through You, which leaves behind no disease"
You may ask your husband, or anyone for that matter to read this upon your head with his/her right hand as practiced in the sunnah. May Allah answer your prayers without delay. Ameen. Take Care :)
u'll strong..
ReplyDeletei pray for u're health, soon..
i can not feel the pain you've been through literally..but i can tell it's definitely excruciating to have to go through chemo and such..but i must say i admire you and husband's love for each other..being there when the going gets tough..now that's what i call love baby! hehe..semoga cpt sembuh! jgn putus asa..semua ujian ni Allah nak duga sejauh mana iman kita, kebergantungan kita pada Dia..insyaAllah :)
ReplyDeleteYou're an inspiration to each and every woman in Malaysia and the whole world. Allah has bigger plans for you, more than any of us would ever thought of..you're gifted in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteWe wish you the best of health and will always keep you in our prayers.
Stay beautiful as always. :)
smoga sis cpt sembuh ya!huhu..
ReplyDeletebe strong sis!
ur follower!
salam kak ami.
ReplyDeleteu so strong.
saya tak pernah lihat org sekuat sist...
i adore u.
hope u get well soon.
u r strong enough to pass this!! Allah bless and heal u soon dear!!
ReplyDeletePrayers from MOROCCO for u Sister
kak ami semoga cepat sembuh
as salam..
ReplyDeletedear ami, semoga tabah mengharungi dugaan dari Allah swt... kuatkan semangat dan selalulah berdoa kepadaNya, semoga ami cepat sembuh dan melalui hidup ini seperti biasa...amin..:)
get better soon ya dear..
ReplyDeleteI pray that the chemo works for you and you are free of cancer! inshallah you are back on your feet strong and healthy in no time! We are all making dua for you so stay strong!!
dear sis,
ReplyDeletebe strong..hope u will get well soon=). i'm, ur silent reader. u take care=)
My prayers are with you, my strong lady! <3
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you, my strong lady! <3
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you, my strong lady! <3
ReplyDeletesemoga cepat sembuh dan berjaya rawatan kali ni. and al fatihah to your dad. stay strong girl!
ReplyDeleteAs-salam.Sis,you are one tough mama indeed :) Hope you get well soon. I know you don't really need this but i found interesting comic book that maybe you will enjoy reading it. Its daytripper. I hope it can inspired you to live life to the fullest.
ReplyDeletep/s: if you want a 'sneak preview' of this book you can check on
May allah bless you.Amin :)
As-salam. Sis, you are one tough mama indeed :)
ReplyDeleteHope you get well soon.I know you don't need this but i found one interesting comic book that maybe you will enjoy reading it.Its daytripper. I hope it can inspired you to live life to fullest.
p/s:if you want a 'sneak preview of this book you can check on
All the best and may allah bless you.Amin :)
sis ami,get well soon n may Allah ease your way :)
ReplyDeletebe strong my dear ami..sangat tersentuh bila mengetahui apa yang Ami alami..doa Yunie..moga Allah mengurniakan kesihatan kepada Ami..semoga Allah mempermudahkan segala rawatan yang Ami jalani..semoga Allah mengurangkan kesakitan yang Ami alami (T_T)..semoga ALLAH menyembuhkan Ami..semoga Allah penjangkan usia Ami..Amin....
ReplyDeleteami, be strong always and wish you well. Allah sentiasa bersama kamu..just remember that..
ReplyDeleteu inspired me to be strong and never give up no matter what.may Allah bless you always.
sis ami,1st i would like to say THANK YOU..
ReplyDeleteu give inspiration to million peoples ..
get well soon..
there are something that i would like to share and my doa will always be with u :) insyallah
Ketika Allah rindu pada hambanya, Ia akan mengirimkan sebuah hadiah istimewa melalui malaikat Jibril yg isinya adalah ujian.
Dalam hadits kudsi Allah berfirman.
"Pergilah pada hambaku lalu timpakanlah berbagai ujian padanya karna Aku ingin mendengar rintihannya."
(HR Thabrani dari Abu Umamah)
Salam ami, this is kak kimah if you still remember. May Allah make it easy for you dear. Try virgin coconut oil. Consume it everyday, it has a lot of antioxidant, and anti viral. Take it with habbatus sauda, the prophet once said, habbatus sauda is cure to all deseases except death. Both has done miracle to amir and aisyah.
ReplyDeleteTake care, may Allah make it easy for you.
Salam ami, this is kak kimah if you still remember. Try virgin coconut oil and habbatus sauda. The prophet once said, habbatus sauda is the cure to all deseases except death. Both has done miracle to Amir and aisyah.
ReplyDeleteTake care and may Allah make it easy for you
Salam ami, this is kak kimah if you still remember. Try virgin coconut oil and habbatus sauda. The prophet once said, habbatus sauda is the cure to all deseases except death. Both has done miracle to Amir and aisyah.
ReplyDeleteTake care and may Allah make it easy for you