everybody else is already taken" - Oscar Wilde
Above is the quote I chose to commemorate my
4444th tweet today, yeah I know that's a lot but I think I've been twittering

since May 2007 so that's not a lot over time haha. I just have so much to share, I do! Seriously! If you follow my twitter you should know that I always share infos/links on latest fashion news/make-up tips/music find/things that I find interesting... Well aside from my own personal drama drenched twits :P
Recently I've been much braver in experimenting with colors, colorful smoky eyes, perfect double winged eyeliner, ruby lips and so on. It's so much fun, I can look at a cover of a fashion magazine and do almost an exact copy of the beauty look they have on, provided that I own the correct tools and if it suits my outfit for the day. Imma so proud of meself! About a year ago I don't even have a gel eyeliner let alone knowing how to do a perfect line using a brush. Now, I can safely announce to my fiance that if he wants to give me
ANY surprise gifts
*hint hint*, make-up would be a safe bet coz I can never have too many (shush you on cosmetic expiry dates!)
Anyways, I've also been super conscious all my adult life
(I prance around in dresses when I was a toddler though) about wearing dresses coz I have
these awkwardly stubby knees and a scar from accidentally burned myself when I laid my legs next to a hot motorcycle exhaust pipe. Don't know where all this confidence came from but I'm determined on wearing more dresses before I get too old to wear 'em. And a dainty one at that, this one a lace eyelet custom made by
Jezmine. Naz (the fiance) loved my outfit so much, he told me he wants me to style myself like a BOND girl. Well if he wants
moi to be a BOND girl, he has to look like James Bond to begin with :P

Clyde Shelton, Law Abiding Citizen - via
IGN.comWe went to watch Law Abiding Citizen that night, a gruesome & heart-wrenching movie about law & injustices. Gerard Butler was once again the good guy, but with a bit of twist, a father & husband with vengeance against law itself. I love the movie and I recommend you to go and watch it. Lemme know how
you like it :)