Mangsa: Honda City Midnight Black WQR **00.
Tempat Kejadian: Jalan 222, PJ.
Masa: 10-1030 malam.
Barang-barang Hilang:
- 1/2 dozen Assorted JCo Donuts.
- Payung bercorak ala burberry.
- Beg mekap ala LeSportSac berisi Burberry The Beat pemberian kekasih dari Jepun, blusher cantik ni, bedak kompak Revlon, mini lipgloss Clinique, lipbalm BodyShop dan sangat banyak lagi. Keseluruhan set yang aku bawa kemana-mana :"(
- Pakaian kekasih yang baru diambil dari dobi which includes most of his favourite shirt; Uyeno Eki Tokyo beli di well, Tokyo on his last trip which is a signed Green Day shirt, a blue Canterbury, kemeja striped Tommy Hilfiger hadiah dari aku, pink collared shirt(he look so good in pink seriously), a topshop jeans and etc etc.
- Satu beg cd dalam dashboard.
Entahlah, tak dapat lagi diungkapkan dengan kata-kata, menggigil seluruh badanku memikirkannya..
Sekarang sapa nak gantikan cermin aku yang pecah tu? Dengan belikan semula barang-barang mekap? I am completely make-up less today. No, lie. Luckily I never throw away barang-barang mekap yang nak habis sekali pun. Ah Fuck lah!
:( :( :( :( :( :(
ReplyDeleteami you're scarying me :( :(:(
I feel sick just reading this. What will happen to the car? Gila slick kot pecahkan that tiny part of glass je. Maybe that's why the alarm didn't go off. Thank God you and Naz and the gadgets are alright. Park wisely darlings. Kereta itu banyak mahal.
ReplyDeletei think the best thing is to park it near to wherever you are. shit, i'm scared of pj 222 now.
p/s: dah la kereta kita sama. haih!
@dd, naz brought the car to honda and they tested the alarm system and it was functioning well! sepatutnya sensor alarm should go off when the pencuri masuk tangan dalam kereta... and the honda people said probably they have a master remote... which boleh bukak any city car in the whole wide world.
Haritu, I baru lepas tengok kereta kena pecah dekat parking Kuantan Parade. I cuak jugak kalau kereta I yang kena. Ami, anggap ini dugaan ok.
ReplyDelete@shuz, i can't sleep at all thinking of this. sepatutnya the alarm go off sebab dia bukak pintu dari dalam when the car is locked. but nooo the alarm didn't go off :(((
ReplyDeletetu la, we're not gonna go to pj 222 anymore. wa sayang kereta wa....
entah la k rona, nothing is safe nowadays... *sigh*
ReplyDeletejangan sesekali tinggalkan notebook in your car boot sebab skang ni senang sangat nak trace notebook yang ditinggalkan dalam kereta. eventho you tanggalkan bateri dia.
ReplyDeletekejadian ni mcm boleh jadi dalam beberapa minit aje, my colleague dah banyak yang kena mcm ni. tinggal notebook bawah seat kereta untuk sebungkus nasik in 15mins pun boleh kena..
mungkin diorang dah matikan alarm you, sebab tu alarm kereta you tak bunyik.
be careful next time.
p/s; luckily diorang tak amik your cd player macam i kena last time.
yeah i know about the notebook thing but haih, sangat bernasib baik coz i think diorang takde the detector for notebook.. cd player i biasa je, built-in honda so tak menarik sangat..
ReplyDeletei dah tanya honda, harga cermin just rm30 but handling fees rm80 T_T
still, i'm furious.
correction: handling fees rm160..
ReplyDeletetotal about rm220...
a master remote?? tafak? well, just make sure you never leave anything important/expensive in your car lah.
ReplyDelete(i baru berangan kalau dapat kereta nanti nak simpan kasut semua in the trunk).
Go to honda service centre Subang.
ReplyDeleteIf you go on weekdays, give me a call. The building is right beside my office. Ngeeeeee.
wah, mahalnya. you tak survey kedai lain ke ?
ReplyDeletenaz is already in the process at honda service in pj.
ReplyDeletehe surveyed and called the service centre in seri kemb yang we used to go to. he estimated rm80 but itu tak termasuk repairing some broken screw, glue apejimbit semua lah. normal rate for all that handling fees rm140. but that place can have it done today jugak. takpelah, redha je..
wa dah tak larat beb.
anyway supposingly the alarm boleh tutup ONLY IF you have the key to the car. so yeah that robber probably have that remote thingy. honda cakap usually pomen jugak yang duplicate benda2 macam ni.
@shuz, i hilang beanie yang i pakai ke japan :(
ReplyDeletedontcha worry gurl, kasut doesn't transmit wave.. though i'm not so sure about this pair XD
i hope so! i have so little shoes, getting them stolen would leave me barefoot.
ReplyDeleteoh god, i seriously want a pair of stormtroopers. i can just imagine role playing in it. haha. but i'm saving up for a pair of puma first round kicks. that's about 500 a pop. :(
wah kena pecah kereta. oh cermin kecik tu memang sayur punya cermin. nasib baik perompak cita cita tak besar sangat..
ReplyDelete@pp, tu la pasal.. sebbaik depa tak hangkut skalik kete aku.. nangih tak berlagu la jawabnya...
ReplyDelete@shuz, dah dapat golden gladiators?
ReplyDeleteyou're using the standard honda alarm rite? agak tak berguna la. hebat sikit dari proton je kot. try la pakai yang aftermarket punya. apa2 brand pon jadi la. the one im using now kalau jalan sebelah pun dah bunyi. terlalu sensitif. sakit kepala gak.
ReplyDeleteami, dulu i pernah kena masa dekat traffic light. baru balik bank yang banyak2 dekat ukm. nasib baik dia tak amik laptop sume. gilalah. nangis tak?
ReplyDeleteEnche' Kacak, aah standard je :(
ReplyDeletei've learnt my lesson.. takut la lps ni nak pasang alarm dasat2 ngan security film kat all windows.. yg kalo try shatter tu tak pecah bersepai tu..
shuz, tu la dia.. langsung tak faham T___T
ReplyDeletesarah, ye ke? dasatnye, u kena kat area rumah ke? i dok bangi jugak tau.. wuu wuu nangis takleh kuar air mata. unless if i bercerita dengan penuh semangat pasal ni mesti nangis. so cuba bercerita dengan rilek dan selamba..
ReplyDeleteofficemate i ckp, most probably pomen yg repair kereta i masa accident dlu boleh buat duplicate kunci.. but i think this case lain sket coz dia pecahkan cermin means takde kunci.. ayo pening kepala
OMG bangi? sarah pon kat bangi gak kena? menakutkan ni. aku dah la study kat bangi gak sekarang ni. :(
ReplyDeleteEnche' Kacak
ReplyDeleteko study kat bangi ke? ahahaha ramai rupanya bangians :P~
mcm2 jenis pelesit2 kat kota nih.
sabo je la.
tu lah pasal.. dah tak larat nak nangeh. sabar je la :/
ReplyDeleteSchuhz was right
ReplyDeleteThat tiny windows will not turn the alarm on.
and banyak kes pecah masuk kereta pun memang diorang pecahkan tingap dulu
kadang, bangsat2 tuh letak kain dulu sebelum ketuk cermin sampai pecah
Tak bagi bunyi bising
And Ami. Dah report?
Pity u
X per lah, I dah gaji
Mahu make up baru yer?
MAC i tak mampu lah
Silky girl ok?
ReplyDeleteyeah pecahkan tingkap tu maybe tak bunyi alarm but ada movement sensor dalam kereta.. sepatutnya.. *sigh*
camnepun, there's always a time window yang diorg boleh bergerak tanpa membunyikan alarm. this is what scares me the most.
andddd don't worry i tak pakai MAC, belikan i maybelline pon terima hahahhaha ;)
ouf yes dah repot malam itu juga :)
ReplyDeletekena dekat traffic light dekat petronas yang dekat mutiara bangi (perumahan apa ntah). indo-n jahat gila seyh siap tumbuk mak aku. seb baik tak dapat.
ReplyDeletewehh jahat gila! hish bencinya PATI2 ni.. hope you n your mom okay..